Saturday, September 02, 2006

God Is In The House

Mark 2:1 - And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house.

Some things to consider and desire:
1. Jesus would AGAIN enter our town
2. It's been far too long, too many days
3. May the word of His Visitation spread throughout the land

I know, some of you are probably thinking, "Jesus is here. He said He'd be with us if we were gathered in His Name. What's the big deal?"

How long has it been since THE HAPPENING in the city is God showing up with signs and wonders? How long has it been since the REVIVAL FIRES of the Holy Spirit prevailed throughout the land? HOW LONG? Far too long! You know, when the Lord came to Mount Sinai and fire was on the mountain, I doubt very seriously if there were people sleeping in (because it's their only day to rest), working their second job (because life is just that way, you know), or doing anything else but standing at the base of the mountain in total awe! Oh God, let there be fire on the "mountain" again!

Sure, He's here because He'll never leave us or forsake us. But that doesn't mean that His will is being accomplished. When He shows up into town the way HE WANTS TO, His Kingdom is evident and His Glory is revealed. The sick are healed, the blind see, the oppressed are loosed, the possessed go free! The depressed find joy and the hopeless find purpose and hope. All this happens when God comes into the house, into the town.

Think with me...whenever Jesus is INVITED to a house (yours, mine, the centurion, Jairus', whoever) things happen. God's will is done even in someone else's house. The key is the invitation. And don't you think His will should be done IN HIS HOUSE?

Hebrews 3 says that the church is the house of God (not the building where the church meets, but the believers). Shouldn't His will be done in our lives? Without question! Why don't we see it more? Maybe it has something to do with an invitation. "But it's His House!" Maybe He doesn't feel welcome. Mark 6 says He went to HIS OWN country but COULDN'T DO ANY MIGHTY WORKS...because of their unbelief.

Brethren, it's time we INVITE the Lord back into His House and welcome Him when He comes. It's time we expect the will of God done in our midst as we receive Him by faith. It's time THAT WE SPREAD THE WORD that GOD has come back to the city. Let it be noised abroad, Jesus is in the House! AMEN!

Pastor Jan

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