Monday, September 10, 2007

The Spirit of Giving

Many of you have probably heard at least one message concerning "tithing" and "offerings". I've heard quite a few myself. I've also received mail from big ministries "soliciting" funds for their projects, their dad, etc...of course these were all very worthwhile projects. Sometimes people who instruct others regarding this subject can do so in such a way that it gets very close to manipulation. In some cases they actually cross the line. There are some ministers who are "gifted" fund raisers (the title they use to refer to their ministry).

While I don't want to talk ugly about any of God's kids, I must make a statement that may offend some. Manipulation, whether it is to get a bigger offering or drag someone to the altar, will NOT reap eternal dividends. It does NOT have the anointing and favor of the Living God upon it. Regardless of how well things seem to go, the eternal truth is sure - WHATEVER a person sows, THAT shall they reap.

Please read the following verses - allow the Spirit of God to open your understanding to the authentic Spirit of Giving. There is a kind of giving that gets the Lord involved; it isn't giving so God will pay my bills nor is it tithing because the Bible tells me to, though both examples are scriptural and should be considered as we walk with the Lord. It's a giving that goes beyond the point of obedience. Really, now, shouldn't we all, as believers in Jesus Christ, live a life of obedience to the Spirit and the Word? The kind of giving I'm referring to is found in Exodus 35 and 36 with a New Testament application found throughout the book of Ephesians and other places as well.

Exodus 35:5 - Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the Lord: gold, silver, and bronze;

Exodus 35:21,22 - Then everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they brought the Lord's offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments. They came, both men and women, as many as had a willing heart, and brought earrings and nose rings, rings and necklaces, all jewelry of gold, that is, every man who offered an offering of gold to the Lord.

Notice the phrase, "whose heart was stirred, and...whose spirit was willing". Their heart was lifted up to the Lord and their spirit "volunteered". There was no plea from Moses, just a statement from him saying "this is what the Lord commands". The people were touched by God to the point of going beyond obedience. Obedience would bring in the minimum - obedience alone will provide the least amount. If you and I are strictly "obedient", we will probably seek to do the minimum. Minimum Bible study, minimum ministry, minimum whatever. But the Spirit of Giving brought so much more - see verse 29:

The children of Israel brought a freewill offering to the Lord, all the men and women whose hearts were willing to bring material for all kinds of work which the Lord, by the hand of Moses, had commanded to be done.

There have been times I have taught the Word of God and received an offering because WE (our church) needed the finances. I was teaching more out of desperation than faith. "If I can just create my words just right, give out the promises of God just right, etc, then maybe God will turn some of the people loose with the finances I need". What if I would trust Him and just tell people the Word of God and believe that the Lord is involved in what HE is CREATING! The Spirit of Giving is released when the only thing that matters is being involved with what God is building. God will make sure His Kingdom, His dwelling place (tabernacle), His Revival, etc, will be built. He will not build it with funds or gifts that have been squeezed out of His people using unholy methods. The spirit of manipulation (telling a good story, crying at just the right time, showing a sad picture, etc) is NOT from the Spirit of God. But He will help people go beyond obedience to extreme blessing when they see it as something God desires to do.

In Exodus 36 Moses had to tell the people - "we've got enough". STOP GIVING! Oh, by the way, the thing they were giving for was the Tabernacle where the Glory of God would abide. God dwelt in their midst because they went beyond the minimum and gave into something beyond themselves. Ephesians 2 says we are a building that is being built (fitted and joined together) as a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. That's why the Lord says in several places for each person to use the gift they have for the building up of others. In other words, don't just do the minimum (as it fits your schedule and plans) - but GO ALL OUT UNTIL GOD SAYS STOP!

What if the Spirit of Giving was loosed in your area, my area? It would be like the Book of Acts, chapters 2-4. What if we wouldn't wait to hear how much was needed but we simply lived our life as if the Lord's work was really the only thing that mattered?

God is always receiving an offering - He is always commanding us to give - and He is prepared to release the Spirit of Giving upon people who will go beyond the minimum...

"You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." 2 Corinthians 9:7,8 (NLT)

After the children of Israel "paid for" the tabernacle, they still had plenty to get by with for the next 40 years. Their next generation could experience the Glory of God and the miraculous provisions of God because they took giving to a level beyond obedience -

Isaiah 1:19 - "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" Pastor Jan

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Where are the Noah's?

I'm going to share, just briefly, the message the Lord had me preach this morning. The incident that led to my even thinking along these lines was the issue that happened in Polk County this week. As you may recall, there was a certain judge that believed it was alright for homosexuals to marry so he struck down Iowa's law banning homosexual marriage. The Lord began to speak to me, kind of questioning me about how much I really believe the Gospel and how important is it to me that others hear. Then His Word came to me like this: Where are the Noah's?

Luke 24:26-30
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. "

It would be "easy" for believers in Jesus to look at our mean, nasty, ugly world and just give up. But in the days of Noah, even though it was wicked beyond description, there was still a witness for God. Noah! Peter refers to Noah as a proclaimer of the right way to live (preacher of righteousness). The Lord showed His long suffering to those of Noah's day, and us, by how He used Noah to touch his generation. Noah put his hands, voice, and heart to the task of saving his world. He followed the Lord's directions explicitly and without reservation. Where are the Noah's for this generation? What are your hands, voice, and heart given to?

Then there's the part in Luke's gospel that reads, "Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot..." Think about the story of Lot. He spent a lot of time with his uncle Abraham, the father of faith, the friend of Almighty God. He prospered as well as did his uncle, to the point where they had to separate so the land would sustain them. We know he chose the fertile land of Sodom and Gomorrah as his territory, even though it was an exceedingly wicked group of people. Maybe he went with the idea that he would be a missionary to them, I don't know. But it seems that once he got away from the godly influence of his uncle, he just kind of faded into the scenery.

I shouldn't need to say this, but sexual perversion, sexual promiscuity, homosexual behaviors, etc. is wicked. Wickedness destroys individuals, families, and even nations that allow such things to go unchecked. I don't know how long Lot was in Sodom and Gomorrah, but however long it was, he did not make any eternal difference in the lives of those he came in contact with. For a fact, if it weren't for his uncle Abraham, he would never have left the land before it was destroyed.

The question begs to be asked: "Where are the Abraham's?" Where are the intercessors who will give up their hands, voice, and heart to the will of God? The will of God? Remember, He's not willing that ANY perish. Are we?

Will we, can we, just watch the days of Noah and Lot appear before our eyes and not realize our part to play? Yes, our redemption is drawing near and we should lift up our heads. But shouldn't we lift them up in faith and cry out for our generation to recognize that the day of the Lord is close at hand? Shouldn't we look to the One Who gave Himself for all mankind?

Jesus described the days of Noah and the days of Lot - and so shall it be when Jesus comes again. HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR...THESE are the days of YOU and I - THESE are the days when our Father's work must be accomplished; the night is coming when NO ONE will be able to work. God is trying to reach YOUR generation THROUGH YOU...what are your hands, voice, and heart doing?

Where are the Noah's? Where are the Abraham's?

I believe I'm writing to them!

Pastor Jan