Monday, January 12, 2009

Worship Night

We met last night - with Jesus being our only "agenda". We sang, shouted, some wept tears of joy; at times we were simply silent in His Presence as He seemed to come "so near". You know what I mean? He says, "draw near to me and I'll draw near to you". How near are you to Him? Well, how near does He seem to you? I realize that isn't always such a good test - sometimes He's nearer than we suspect. But there was no misunderstanding last night. We all knew the Lord was in fellowship with us and we were in close communion with Him.

One thing He kept bringing to my spirit - probably the main thing all evening - was MERCY. When I planned the songs to have available for our worship and praise time last night I didn't think about all of the different words. While I was singing them, though, the word "mercy" kept standing out. Mercy. Not just a pity, but God getting right down into our trouble, our dirt, our pain, our joy and sorrow; God, not willing to leave us where we are - alone. God, through His Son, Jesus - coming to our aid.

That's how it was last night. A very tangible, "reach out and touch Him" kind of night.

I don't say this to promote our church or try to advertise our worship team (which was actually a group of people from different fellowships). I tell you this for one reason. Jesus. He's all you need. He's all I need. In His Presence is more joy then you or I could ever need. He's the ONLY one Who is Worthy of our praise and complete love. And, brethren, when He says "draw near to Me and I'll draw near to you"...well, what is keeping you from MAKING the time to take Him at His word?

If you are in the area and God is speaking to your heart ("today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart...") come join us this Sunday evening at 313 6th Street, WDM, at 6 pm. We'll give you a warm christian greeting - but God will give you the hug.

Pastor Jan
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. 2 Corinthians 9:18