Saturday, August 11, 2007

This Present Truth

A short message to "set the stage" for the next word...please read the following verse: 2 Peter 1:12 -

"Therefore I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know them, and are established in the present truth."

"Present truth" is another one of the "spiritual phrases" being used in "prophetic" church circles these days. Many who use it do so with the conviction that Father God is speaking something that is "right now" for the Church, the Body of true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am one that believes that Father is speaking and has been speaking for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I believe He has ALWAYS had a word for the church - as witnessed in the first 3 chapters of Revelation. He also told us that we are to live by "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God".

Please understand this: any present truth, any right now word, any "thus saith the Lord" is for the purpose of LIFE, through edification, exhortation, or comfort. His Word, that which He is speaking, is Spirit and Life. He intends for His Word to accomplish what He sends it to do. He means for His Word to be made flesh and dwell among us - not just when Jesus, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us but by His Present Word (Truth) being received by us and consumed by us; to the point where we only do what our Father says. The purpose of Present Truth is to equip the Body of Christ with the Revelation of Who it is and what its purpose is. Sort of like the mirror spoken of in James 1:22-25 (...he that looks into the perfect law of liberty...). Kind of like what Jesus mentioned in Hebrews 10 - "a body you've prepared for me; in the volume of the book it is written of me to do Your will, O God". Present Truth...not something for us to wear like we invented it, but something that is to transform us into the image of Christ.

One more item...Present Truth always seems to point us back to the original intent of God! That's why many people struggle with it. Present Truth that is "old fashioned" does not seem to have the drawing power that many feel it should have. Yet Paul made it clear that he believed it best that the Corinthians faith wasn't in the wisdom of men but in the power of God (1 Corinthians 2). I'm beginning to see that everything the Lord is "speaking presently" isn't something He's never spoken before, but something we've been incapable of hearing before.

Just think about it. I'll give some examples next time. In the meanwhile, seek to abide in Him - above all else.

Pastor Jan

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