Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Anointed Body

Psalms 133
1. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2. It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. 3. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing life forevermore.

Notice that God thinks unity is good and pleasant. He had David write that it is a prerequisite for the Anointing. The High Priest, Aaron, would be dressed in the priestly clothes prepared to minister for the people and before the Lord. He would be drenched with holy anointing oil that would flow from his head and cover his whole being.

Unity is also likened to the Dew of Heaven descending upon the Mountain of God, Zion, the City of the Great King (Psalm 48). Dew wouldn't just cover one little portion, but would cover the mountain.

God also shows us that the Body of Christ (the Anointed One) is to be in unity and function in the same anointing that flows from the Head (Jesus) to each part. Ephesians is a good book to read regarding the place and purpose of the Body. It says in the first chapter that the church is the body of Christ. The fourth chapter speaks of the body being fitly joined to each other and to the Head.

Where does "unity" fit in? Unity isn't going to the same church, saying the same thing, not fussing or feuding, or anything like that. Unity, as God sees it, is a proper connection and submission to each other much the same way the parts of a body are connected to each other.

Picture your body. If your head wants your hand to pick something up, or wave to someone, it simply tells the hand to move. Understand, though, that there are many parts (too many for me to name or even know) that are involved in the "simple" operation. Yet, each part is vital to the whole movement. Take any part out and you have no movement. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12 that the Body is one yet has many members. He also made a statement about God placing certain"parts" in the Body that are very pronounced; parts such as "Apostle", "Prophet", "Workers of Miracles", "Teachers", etc. He goes on to ask the question: "are all apostles, are all prophets, all speak with tongues" to which we all answer, "no". Yet we can miss Paul's point if we're not careful. He writes that every part is vital and is emphasizing, with the questions about the different offices of ministry, that it isn't the apostle, or prophet, or teacher, etc., that carries the anointing or the ability to express the will of the Head. IT IS THE BODY and every part performing as it is designed to perform.

That is the way God is going to have His Anointing flow in these last days. It is IMPERATIVE that His Body understand their place and submit themselves to the parts "next door"; the parts they are to be connected to. We've got to VALUE the Body of Christ as we do the Head. I CANNOT be submitted to the Head without being submitted to the Body. If I'm going to walk with God, anointed by Him to accomplish His will, then I must walk WITH YOU and YOU WITH ME.

This is not the day to worship the ministries of the "anointed ones"; this is the day to find our place in Him. To be where He wants us to be, doing what He wants us to do. I am not discounting the ministry of apostle, prophet, or any of the "out front" ministries; I'm just saying that hands and feet won't function without all the parts working properly.

One last thing; being in the Body of Christ means losing our rights for the sake of a higher calling. The "good feelings" and "anointed services" are fine but if we want the Anointing that flows from the Head (the Anointing that empowered Jesus to go about doing good and heal ALL...) we must be properly connected and ready to receive from the parts around us and then distribute that which we've received to others we're connected to.

The world has yet to see the kind of power that God has ready to release. But when we get in the right position, submitted to each other and "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit..." God will once again say "Yes, how good and how pleasant it is..."

And the Oil will flow...

Pastor Jan

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