Friday, September 22, 2006

Gathering Together

Please read the following passage: Acts 13:1-4~
Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'' Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

In the church at Antioch there were people who heard from God and spoke for God. They ministered in the "office" of a prophet and/or teacher. There were others besides those mentioned, those who had maybe the same offices of ministry as those mentioned. There were undoubtedly others as well who operated in different spiritual gifts, such as the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, etc; gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 - 14.

Luke, the writer of the Book of Acts, records a time when the church came together to "minister to the Lord...". Whether they were singing, praying, shouting, sitting quietly, dancing, along with fasting is not really important. What is important is that they came together. Their "coming together" was a type of ministering to the Lord. Just showing up ministers to the Lord! The Greek word for "Ministered" is one we get our word "liturgy" or "liturgical" from. Liturgy means "prescribed ritual for public service". "Prescribed", in this instance, means that the people were doing things that pleased the Lord. And the first thing they did that pleased the Lord was "show up"!

It is impossible to minister to the Lord and not do what pleases Him. Our words can be so spiritual sounding; we can speak so eloquently about what we believe the Lord wants us to do. We can do so to the point of deceiving ourselves. James 1 - "but be doers of the Word, not hearers only (or speakers, for that matter), deceiving yourselves." Hebrews 10 - "Don't forsake the assembling of yourselves..." 1 Corinthians 14 - "...WHEN you come together, each of you have..." Point to be taken: We are NOT pleasing God by holding back from His gathering.

Of course, there are times when we must be here or there and won't be able to be with the "gathering" everytime. However, if the Lord is leading His church, trying to put His people into position to hear His voice and receive His impartations and commissioning, and, be a part of such "sending forth of the people" such as Paul and Barnabus, then the church MUST be where He wants us to be EVERYTIME!

This isn't to be a message of condemnation, but rather exhortation. There, in the church at Antioch, were people who had a vital part in the sending forth of two powerfully anointed apostles. Paul and Barnabus were known as prophets and teachers up to that day, but after the Holy Spirit spoke, they were Sent Ones, sent by the Holy Spirit for the purposes of the Spirit of God. The scriptures do not reveal how the Holy Spirit spoke. More than likely, though, He spoke through someone who had gathered together and was doing what pleased Him. You see, it really doesn't matter who He speaks through, as long as He has someone who has gathered to please Him.

Throughout the scriptures there are examples of people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. In these last days, with so many things to distract us and lure us away from "only pleasing Him", it is vital that we settle in our heart that when it's time to gather, then we gather. "Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be...".

The Lord never leads people away from gathering. Not one instance in His word does He tell people to live to themselves. Quite the opposite is true. The very picture He gives of His Church being a Body says that. You may not be "gathering" with me, but the Spirit of God has some place in mind for you to be, regularly, gathering with those of "like precious faith". It sure would be terrible, don't you think, if He would "show up" at the place He's expecting you to be, calls your name, looks up and down the aisles, calls again, and then has to give your assignment to someone else because you didn't gather...Or someone is moved by God to bring something to "bless" you with and you're not there to receive the "blessing". Couldn't happen, you may say. "After all, God knows what I'm going to be doing." Think of it this way; the Lord is urging you, calling you, nudging you, and even believing the best of you. As far as He's concerned, since He looks through the work of Christ as He looks into your life, you're up and at 'em, arriving on time and at the right place just because you're so in love with Jesus! He sees you as His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. He sees you as faithful. He's given you the Holy Spirit so that the fruit He bears, such as faithfulness, you and I will bear also.

What might we be missing when people do "their own thing" rather than aim to please God in all we do. What might others be missing as well. Isn't it time for us to minister to the Lord and be in the right place at the right time? Only Heaven knows what can become of it...

Pastor Jan

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