Sunday, June 10, 2007

Thoughts about the Body

Greetings in the Name of the Lord.

Please allow me just a few minutes of your time. I believe this message is one of the most important for the Body of Christ to grab a hold of and put into practice. I keep coming back to this, over and over again. It's the message of THE Body growing and becoming what God has intended it to be.

I'm preaching/teaching on Sunday mornings about the church in Antioch. I see it as one of the most powerful churches that ever existed. Paul, Barnabas, Agabus the Prophet, Silas, Luke, Timothy, probably Priscilla and Aquila, and many more all had roots of sorts in that church. Apostles began their ministry their, the people there helped support other believers who suffered during times of famine; on and on the list goes. Most of our New Testament letters were written by Paul who based his "ministry" (home base) with the church at Antioch.

All that being said, you would think that some "big name" apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher would have "started" the church in Antioch. Surely someone with a "Name"...

Nope! Acts 11:19-21 reads: "Now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to no one but the Jews only. But some of them were men from Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord." Notice, the names of the people weren't even mentioned! NO NAMED PEOPLE, who couldn't keep their mouth shut about THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES were used by God to begin one of the most powerful works ever.

How often, though, do we feel we must have "a name" for God to use us. Fact is, God knows our name and He knows what He has prepared for us to do. His gifts and callings are without repentance. If we would be faithful to be the "part of the Body" God created us to be, we would see more of the "hand of the Lord" upon us.

As I've stated before - I believe the days of the "big shots" are coming to an end. These last days will be marked by the Body of Christ walking and ministering as One - one voice, one purpose, one power...declaring the Kingdom of God to this world. Yes, there will be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers encouraging, provoking, shepherding, equipping, etc. But the BULK of the work will be accomplished by the BODY!

Seems like it's quite the thing in the church these days for people to flock to one place or the other because of this and that reason. I've heard several...pastor preaches good and is funny, the worship is awesome, they have a good youth program, "I like to be around miracles", etc. But what about knowing and obeying what Father says? "But God has placed the members in the Body as it has pleased Him".

There's a move of the Spirit that is happening, though in its very early stages. The Lord is in the process of "weaning", "sifting", "breaking our old habits" - the things about us that are all about pleasing ourselves and the things that divide our heart from totaling serving God. Mark it down. You will experience the pruning of the Lord soon, if you haven't begun to yet.

I think I'll quit for now. The Lord is very jealous for His Body. He loves and cherishes it (Eph. 5). He is perfecting that which concerns it. My, oh my. Are we in for a change.

More later,